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Pearlss 4 Development

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Our Services

Improving Lives of People Through Inclusive, Equitable and Efficient Approaches


Monitoring And Evaluation

Through our Monitoring and Evaluation Services, we help our clients improve efficiency, sustainability and impact while enhancing the accountability and value for money. By using a range of qualitative and quantitative methods to analyse the data and performance of organisations, we assist our clients set realistic goals that help improve their performance.


Research And Analysis

Through our Research and Analysis services, we translate complex data sets into actionable recommendations that are adaptive to the fast changing world. Our in-depth understanding of local issues coupled with our global worldview offers impactful recommendations that helps organisations bring about sustainable change.


Capacity Development

Through our Capacity Development services, we offer high-value knowledge and skills that assist organisations/groups/individuals to improve the effectiveness and performance. Our team of professionals design the training modules and delivery programs to reduce dependency and encourage transparency thereby enhancing the autonomy and self-sufficiency of an organisation.

Depression 1


Every year, there are hundreds of thousands of people struggling with some or the other form of mental health issue. At PEARLSS 4 Development, we would not stop until every person with a mental health problem receives support and assistance. At PEARLSS 4 Development, our team of expert counsellors offer a wide range of counselling services for people of all ages and genders.

What we did

Over the years, professionals at PEARLSS 4 Development have developed community-centred approaches of working with various developmental organizations across India


Areas of Work

At Pearlss4Development we work in the service of our clients. Our services are underpinned by the principles on which the company was founded: to help and inform through expert understanding of local context, ethical procurement and contracting, and a commitment to high quality work. Through our service delivery we fulfil our mission to help clients and communities build trust and understanding as the basis for transformative change.

Public Health

We believe that a country’s well-being greatly depends on the health of its population. An efficient Public Health system integrates different schools of knowledge to bring perspectives and learnings from humanities, political science, behavioural science and life sciences. We offer specialised expertise for diverse contexts within the health sector. Our work cuts across humanitarian and development spectrum.

Gender And Development

We believe that Gender Equality is an intrinsic part the development projects designed towards sustainable development of a country. Our work in Gender and Development includes mixed method evaluation of development projects designed towards the development of sexual minorities and women. We work towards developing implementation approaches and methodologies in order to assess a project’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality.

Mental Health

We believe that positive mental health of individual/population is one of the key indicators of a range of development outcomes. Our team of professionals offer services to organisations to assist them integrate mental health issues into health policies and programs, make mental health awareness part of mainstream education, include people with mental health issues in income generating activities.

Social Entrepreneurship

We believe that Social Entrepreneurship drives social transformations while empowering communities by addressing social problems. We offer services to leading Government Organisations, Non-Government Organisations, Foundations, Corporate Social Responsibility Firms to design and implement Social Entrepreneurship Programs. Our skilled and experienced team of professionals work with our clients to design and deliver projects that offer business development solutions while equipping entrepreneurs with necessary skills to plan, execute and scale socially beneficial businesses.

POSH at Workplace

Our team of professional counsellors offer training and awareness programs on Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Work Places. We offer training and advisory services to major Corporate Companies across the country. Our services are aims towards creating a healthy work place culture in organisations where all the employees have the right to be treated with equality, honour and dignity.

Our Partners

PEARLSS 4 Development works in partnership with NGOs, Government Organisations, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) firms, International Development Organisations, Civil Society Organisations and Individuals to enhance collaboration to achieve sustainable results

Contact Us


Flat No. 101, Sagar Apartments, Besides Rajbhavan, Rajbhavan Road, Somajiguda, Hyderabad, Telangana- 500082

Business Hours

Monday/Friday: 8am to 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 12pm